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Free Online Audio Feeds from top Universities

Online class taking is often done best with friends. A few people doing online study collaboratively can overcome all of the inherent disadvantages of the medium.

The static and silent tome has served scholars well for many centuries but has been failing for nearly as long to move and inspire language in children. Though there are certainly those, even among auditory learners, to whom the book does successfully convey knowledge and language, the child (even the literate reader) acquires much of his/her language art from speech, from hearing dialog, argument, songs, stories - and in the absence of aural input worthy of emulation, the road to facile literacy takes a decidedly uphill turn. It is nonetheless still possible, even without an exemplary parental role model, to provide children with examples of diction that can ignite the spark of eloquence and serve them well in their academic careers, but to achieve this, one is well advised to seek external input - but sources do abound. No longer is the written word the only channel available for education.

Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army. - Edward Everett

Never dreamt of just a few years ago (and still largely mysterious to many), audio and video feeds of everything from audio books, news reports and lectures to debates, discussion, drama, and even formal instruction on every conceivable subject are accessible either freely or at least economically on the Internet, and it behooves the homeschooling parent to find and use these. See also Free Online University Classes.

The following is a partial list of free resources provided by the best universities.

Trying to get more learning out of the present system is like trying to get the Pony express to compete with the telegraph by breeding faster ponies. - Edward Fiske