Spoken English Example Recordings and Videos for Children

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Spoken English Example Recordings and Videos for Language Study by Children

An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don't. - Anatole France

One of difficulties many students of English have is distinguishing good language from bad. Here is a short collection of English language example videos which use English on the very highest level.

Audio Books For Children

These are books whose language and expressive devices are exemplary of the best of English prose.

Audio Books
Title The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
The Classic Children's Story, read by Guilitis 2010
Difficulty 6/10
Dialect British (RP) English
Description Though clearly a children's story, few stories of any sort approach the eloquence and poignancy of The Wind in the Willows. For full text, see The Wind in the Willows Page. This is a playlist of the full text of the work read by an artist who loves and understands the work and whose speech is entirely suited to it.
Title ANSI Animals by D. Titchenell
A Poem for Fiona. The true story of events at the zoo.
Difficulty 4/10
Dialect Standard American
Description Every stanza depicts accurately the comparison of book and zoo animal when Fiona was just under a year old. Her Uncle Bob, reductionist, scientist and materialist was also an influence.